What did thin­king ever do for me?

I never thought about things at all, ever­y­thing chan­ged, the distance that wed­ged its­elf bet­ween me and my hap­pi­ness wasn’t the world, it wasn’t the bombs or bur­ning buil­dings, it was me, my thin­king, the can­cer of never let­ting go, is igno­rance bliss, I don’t know, but it’s so pain­ful to think, and tell me, what did thin­king ever do for me, to what gre­at place did thin­king ever bring me? I think and think and think, I’ve thought mys­elf out of hap­pi­ness one mil­li­on times, but never once into it.
(Jona­than Safran Foer – Extre­me­ly Loud and Incre­di­bly Close)

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